Nanzan University international students visited Fujita

Nanzan University international students visited Fujita

On July 10, five international students from Nanzan University visited Fujita Rashi Kougyou Co., Ltd.(3-9-3 Meieki Minami, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi, 450-8620, Japan)

As part of the “Summer Program Business Japanese” held by Nanzan University, the students visited our company and had a tour of our office. They also learned about the job hunting process in Japan and exchanged opinions about the differences from the job hunting situation in their home countries.

Students who participated in the program commented that they visited Japanese corporate for the first time and were surprised at the differences between their home country and Japan, and that it was a meaningful time for them to learn about the job hunting situation in others countries.

It was valuable opportuunity for our HR and we gained new insights into the job hunting situations for students from others countries, as well as how International student views the company.

Thank you to all who participated and to all those involved for their cooperation.


Fujita continue to provide opportunities for mutual growth between students and company, both in Japan and overseas.

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